Monday, January 29, 2007

Aging and Down's syndrome

Down's syndrome are children with 47 chromosomes as compared to 46 chromosomes.As a result they have a slow mentation and slower developmental process.Many studies have shown a short life expectancy for these children.With today's technology many of them survive to adulthood,some of them living till their 60's. Down's children living beyond age of 40's are likely to develop Alzheimer's disease,aging process which occurs early in these children.They are also found to be deficient in many nutrients and enzymes. Overactivity of an enzyme called superoxide dismutase is considered to be one of the factors for an early aging process in children with Down's.
Nutritional supplementation with vitamins and minerals haven't proven beneficial in the reduction of mental retardation or changes in aging process.However few nutrients added to diet may prove beneficial.
useful link

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Hi!welcome to all
I have created this blog for people to share their thoughts and personal experiences with special children.Special children are those who have a physical or mental limitation to live independently.They require support from their family and society to live an independent life.Workshops where work environment were modified to their working conditions has proven to make them productive to society and more self reliant.This has helped in synergising their energy in a positive direction.Any ideas which can make these children self reliant and independent are welcome in this blog.